02 July 2014

BOOK REVIEW: The Left Hand Of The Führer (Wunderwaffen #4)

The Left Hand Of The Führer (Wunderwaffen #4)The Left Hand Of The Führer by Richard D. Nolane
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Beginning in 1947, Murnau, the enigmatic Wunderwaffen pilot whose his fate is linked to that of Hitler, is now under the control of the SS. At the same time, he becomes involved in Himmler's game to take control of the Reich, the decisive part which will take place in the secret base SS in Antarctica "Neue Schwabenland". Here the Ahnenerbe and Sonderbüro 13 are preparing to implement the wildest SS projects under the protection of the Wunderwaffen machines controlled by Murnau...

After reluctantly becoming part of the new air arm of the SS, our main character Walter Murnau is beginning to see glimpses of what his leaders don't want him to see. With information from his lover Ingrid, who hears things while kept under house arrest to ensure Murnau's cooperation, he suspects that the Nazi regime is up to no good. Himmler's own personal agenda becomes more apparent now as he deviously manipulates events to ensure things fall into place. Hitler, now furnished with an amazing new prosthetic left arm, continues to rally the German nation for the final victory that must surely come.

Murnau now commands an elite unit of the 'LuftSS' and flies some of the incredible 'Wunderwaffen' experimental combat aircraft, now along side Hans Rudel and the legendary Hannah Reisch. Meanwhile, the Germans are scaling up their operations in New Schwabia in the Antarctic. It seems that they have found something of incredible significance to Nazi ideology buried under the thick ice. The Allies sense that something important is going on down there and dispatch a naval task force to raid the base. As the Nazis discover that the buried artifact is not actually what they thought it was, the race is on to get Murnau's Wunderwaffen unit down to the Antarctic before the Royal Navy task force gets there.
The pace has increased steadily in this series so far, and I'm continually impressed with the artwork, which is perfect for a work like this. The dialog is still a little 'jerky' in places and the odd typo has shown up, but it's otherwise excellent.

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Focke-Wulf "Super Lorin"
Image courtesy of Luft '46

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